Search Results: "dima"

23 March 2020

Dima Kogan: org-babel for documentation

So I just gave a talk at SCaLE 18x about numpysane and gnuplotlib, two libraries I wrote to make using numpy bearable. With these two, it's actually quite nice! Prior to the talk I overhauled the documentation for both these projects. The gnuplotlib docs now have a tutorial/gallery page, which is interesting-enough to write about. Check it out! Mostly it is a sequence of Clearly you want the plots in the documentation to correspond to the code, so you want something to actually run each code snippet to produce each plot. Automatically. I don't want to maintain these manually, and periodically discover that the code doesn't make the plot I claim it does or worse: that the code barfs. This is vaguely what Jupyter notebooks do, but they're ridiculous, so I'm doing something better: That's it. The git repo is hosted by github, which has a rudimentary renderer for .org documents. I'm committing the .svg files, so that's enough to get rendered documentation that looks nice. Note that the usual workflow is to use org to export to html, but here I'm outsourcing that job to github; I just make the .svg files, and that's enough. Look at the link again: gnuplotlib tutorial/gallery. This is just a .org file committed to the git repo. github is doing its normal org->html thing to display this file. This has drawbacks too: github is ignoring the :noexport: tag on the init section at the end of the file, so it's actually showing all the emacs lisp goop that makes this work (described below!). It's at the end, so I guess this is good-enough. Those of us that use org-mode would be completely unsurprised to hear that the talk is also written as .org document. And the slides that show gnuplotlib plots use the same org-babel system to render the plots. It's all oh-so-nice. As with anything as flexible as org-babel, it's easy to get into a situation where you're bending it to serve a not-quite-intended purpose. But since this all lives in emacs, you can make it do whatever you want with a bit of emacs lisp. I ended up advising a few things (mailing list post here). And I stumbled on an (arguable) bug in emacs that needed working around (mailing list post here). I'll summarize both here.

Handling large Local Variables blocks
The advises I ended up with ended up longer than emacs expected, which made emacs not evaluate them when loading the buffer. As I discovered (see the mailing list post) the loading code looks for the string Local Variables in the last 3000 bytes of the buffer only, and I exceeded that. Stefan Monnier suggested a workaround in this post. Instead of the normal Local Variables block at the end:
Local Variables:
eval: (progn ... ...
             ... ...
             LONG chunk of emacs-lisp
I do this:
(progn ;;local-config
   lisp lisp lisp
   as long as I want
Local Variables:
eval: (progn (re-search-backward "^(progn ;;local-config") (eval (read (current-buffer))))
So emacs sees a small chunk of code that searches backwards through the buffer (as far back as needed) for the real lisp to evaluate. As an aside, this blog is also an .org document, and the lisp snippets above are org-babel blocks that I'm not evaluating. The exporter knows to respect the emacs-lisp syntax highlighting, however.

OK, so what was all the stuff I needed to tell org-babel to do specially here? First off, org needed to be able to communicate to the Python session the name of the file to write the plot to. I do this by making the whole plist for this org-babel snippet available to python:
;; THIS advice makes all the org-babel parameters available to python in the
;; _org_babel_params dict. I care about _org_babel_params['_file'] specifically,
;; but everything is available
(defun dima-org-babel-python-var-to-python (var)
  "Convert an elisp value to a python variable.
  Like the original, but supports (a . b) cells and symbols
  (if (listp var)
      (if (listp (cdr var))
          (concat "[" (mapconcat #'org-babel-python-var-to-python var ", ") "]")
        (format "\"\"\"%s\"\"\"" var))
    (if (symbolp var)
        (format "\"\"\"%s\"\"\"" var)
      (if (eq var 'hline)
         (if (and (stringp var) (string-match "[\n\r]" var)) "\"\"%S\"\"" "%S")
         (if (stringp var) (substring-no-properties var) var))))))
(defun dima-alist-to-python-dict (alist)
  "Generates a string defining a python dict from the given alist"
  (let ((keyvalue-list
         (mapcar (lambda (x)
                   (format "%s = %s, "
                            "[^a-zA-Z0-9_]" "_"
                            (symbol-name (car x)))
                           (dima-org-babel-python-var-to-python (cdr x))))
     "dict( "
     (apply 'concat keyvalue-list)
(defun dima-org-babel-python-pass-all-params (f params)
    "_org_babel_params = "
    (dima-alist-to-python-dict params))
   (funcall f params)))
   :around #'dima-org-babel-python-pass-all-params))
So if there's a :file plist key, the python code can grab that, and write the plot to that filename. But I don't really want to specify an output file for every single org-babel snippet. All I really care about is that each plot gets a unique filename. So I omit the :file key entirely, and use this advice to generate one for me:
;; This sets a default :file tag, set to a unique filename. I want each demo to
;; produce an image, but I don't care what it is called. I omit the :file tag
;; completely, and this advice takes care of it
(defun dima-org-babel-python-unique-plot-filename
    (f &optional arg info params)
  (funcall f arg info
           (cons (cons ':file
                       (format "guide-%d.svg"
                               (condition-case nil
                                   (setq dima-unique-plot-number (1+ dima-unique-plot-number))
                                 (error (setq dima-unique-plot-number 0)))))
   :around #'dima-org-babel-python-unique-plot-filename))
This uses the dima-unique-plot-number integer to keep track of each plot. I increment this with each plot. Getting closer. It isn't strictly required, but it'd be nice if each plot had the same output filename each time I generated it. So I want to reset the plot number to 0 each time:
;; If I'm regenerating ALL the plots, I start counting the plots from 0
(defun dima-reset-unique-plot-number
    (&rest args)
    (setq dima-unique-plot-number 0))
   :after #'dima-reset-unique-plot-number))
Finally, I want to lie to the user a little bit. The code I'm actually executing writes each plot to an .svg. But the code I'd like the user to see should use the default output: an interactive, graphical window. I do that by tweaking the python session to tell the gnuplotlib object to write to .svg files from org by default, instead of using the graphical terminal:
;; I'm using github to display, so I'm not using the "normal" org
;; exporter. I want the demo text to not contain the hardcopy= tags, but clearly
;; I need the hardcopy tag when generating the plots. I add some python to
;; override gnuplotlib.plot() to add the hardcopy tag somewhere where the reader
;; won't see it. But where to put this python override code? If I put it into an
;; org-babel block, it will be rendered, and the :export tags will be ignored,
;; since github doesn't respect those (probably). So I put the extra stuff into
;; an advice. Whew.
(defun dima-org-babel-python-set-demo-output (f body params)
    (insert body)
    (when (search-forward "import gnuplotlib as gp" nil t)
       "if not hasattr(gp.gnuplotlib, 'orig_init'):\n"
       "    gp.gnuplotlib.orig_init = gp.gnuplotlib.__init__\n"
       "gp.gnuplotlib.__init__ = lambda self, *args, **kwargs: gp.gnuplotlib.orig_init(self, *args, hardcopy=_org_babel_params['_file'] if 'file' in _org_babel_params['_result_params'] else None, **kwargs)\n"))
    (setq body (buffer-substring-no-properties (point-min) (point-max))))
  (funcall f body params))
   :around #'dima-org-babel-python-set-demo-output))
And that's it. The advises in the talk are slightly different, in uninteresting ways. Some of this should be upstreamed to org-babel somehow. Now entirely clear which part, but I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

15 March 2020

Dima Kogan: numpysane and broadcasting in C

Since the beginning, the numpysane library provided a broadcast_define() function to decorate existing Python routines to give them broadcasting awareness. This was very useful, but slow. I just did lots of typing, and now I have a flavor of this in C (the numpysane_pywrap module; new in numpysane 0.22). As expected, you get fast C loops! And similar to the rest of this library, this is a port of something in PDL: PDL::PP. Full documentation lives here: After writing this I realized that there was something similar available in numpy this whole time: I haven't looked too deeply into this yet, but 2 things are clear: There's a design difference: the numpy implementation uses function callbacks, while I generate C code. Code generation is what PDL::PP does, and when I thought about it earlier, it seemed like doing this with function pointers would be too painful. I guess it's doable, though. And at least in one case, the gufuncs aren't doing the right broadcasting thing:
>>> a = np.arange(5).reshape(5,1)
>>> b = np.arange(3)
>>> np.matmul(a,b)
ValueError: matmul: Input operand 1 has a mismatch in
   its core dimension 0, with gufunc signature
   (n?,k),(k,m?)->(n?,m?) (size 3 is different from 1)
This should work. And if you do this with numpysane.broadcast_define() or with numpysane_pywrap, it does work. I'll look at it later to figure out what it's doing.

4 March 2020

Noah Meyerhans: Daily VM image builds are available from the cloud team

Did you know that the cloud team generates daily images for buster, bullseye, and sid? They re available for download from and are published to Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure. This is done both to exercise our image generation infrastructure, and also to facilitate testing of the actual images and distribution in general. I ve often found it convenient to have easy access to a clean, up-to-date, disposable virtual machine, and you might too. Please note that these images are intended for testing purposes, and older ones may be removed at any time in order to free up various resources. You should not hardcode references to specific images in any tools or configuration. If you re downloading an image for local use, you ll probably want one of the nocloud images. They have an empty root password (the security ramifications of this should be obvious, so please be careful!), and don t rely on any cloud service for configuration. You can use the qcow2 images with QEMU on any Linux system, or retrieve the raw images for use with another VMM. If you want to use the images on Amazon EC2, you can identify the latest nightly build using the AWS CLI as follows:
# Select the most recent bullseye image for arm64 instance types:
$ aws ec2 describe-images --owner 903794441882 \
--region us-east-1 --output json \
--query "Images[?Architecture=='arm64']   [?starts_with(Name, 'debian-11-')]   max_by([], &Name)"
"Architecture": "arm64",
"CreationDate": "2020-03-04T05:31:12.000Z",
"ImageId": "ami-056a2fe946ef98607",
"ImageLocation": "903794441882/debian-11-arm64-daily-20200304-189",
"ImageType": "machine",
"Public": true,
"OwnerId": "903794441882",
"State": "available",
"BlockDeviceMappings": [
"DeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
"Encrypted": false,
"DeleteOnTermination": true,
"SnapshotId": "snap-0d7a569b159964d87",
"VolumeSize": 8,
"VolumeType": "gp2"
"Description": "Debian 11 (daily build 20200304-189)",
"EnaSupport": true,
"Hypervisor": "xen",
"Name": "debian-11-arm64-daily-20200304-189",
"RootDeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
"RootDeviceType": "ebs",
"SriovNetSupport": "simple",
"VirtualizationType": "hvm"
# Similarly, select the most recent sid amd64 AMI:
$ aws ec2 describe-images --owner 903794441882 \
--region us-east-1 --output json \
--query "Images[?Architecture=='x86_64']   [?starts_with(Name, 'debian-sid-')]   max_by([], &Name)"
"Architecture": "x86_64",
"CreationDate": "2020-03-04T05:13:58.000Z",
"ImageId": "ami-00ec9272298ca9059",
"ImageLocation": "903794441882/debian-sid-amd64-daily-20200304-189",
"ImageType": "machine",
"Public": true,
"OwnerId": "903794441882",
"State": "available",
"BlockDeviceMappings": [
"DeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
"Encrypted": false,
"DeleteOnTermination": true,
"SnapshotId": "snap-07c3fad3ff835248a",
"VolumeSize": 8,
"VolumeType": "gp2"
"Description": "Debian sid (daily build 20200304-189)",
"EnaSupport": true,
"Hypervisor": "xen",
"Name": "debian-sid-amd64-daily-20200304-189",
"RootDeviceName": "/dev/xvda",
"RootDeviceType": "ebs",
"SriovNetSupport": "simple",
"VirtualizationType": "hvm"
If you re using Microsoft Azure images, you can inspect the images with az vm image list and az vm image show, as follows:
$ az vm image list -o table --publisher debian --offer debian-sid-daily --location westeurope --all   sort -k 5   tail
debian-sid-daily Debian sid-gen2 Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid-gen2:0.20200228.184 0.20200228.184
debian-sid-daily Debian sid Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid:0.20200229.185 0.20200229.185
debian-sid-daily Debian sid-gen2 Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid-gen2:0.20200229.185 0.20200229.185
debian-sid-daily Debian sid Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid:0.20200301.186 0.20200301.186
debian-sid-daily Debian sid-gen2 Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid-gen2:0.20200301.186 0.20200301.186
debian-sid-daily Debian sid Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid:0.20200302.187 0.20200302.187
debian-sid-daily Debian sid-gen2 Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid-gen2:0.20200302.187 0.20200302.187
debian-sid-daily Debian sid Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid:0.20200303.188 0.20200303.188
debian-sid-daily Debian sid-gen2 Debian:debian-sid-daily:sid-gen2:0.20200303.188 0.20200303.188
Offer Publisher Sku Urn Version
$ az vm image show --location westeurope --urn debian:debian-sid-daily:sid:latest
"automaticOsUpgradeSupported": false
"dataDiskImages": [],
"hyperVgeneration": "V1",
"id": "/Subscriptions/428325bd-cc87-41f1-b0d8-8caf8bb80b6b/Providers/Microsoft.Compute/Locations/westeurope/Publishers/debian/ArtifactTypes/VMImage/Offers/debian-sid-daily/Skus/sid/Versions/0.20200303.188",
"location": "westeurope",
"name": "0.20200303.188",
"operatingSystem": "Linux",
"sizeInBytes": 32212255232,
"sizeInGb": 30
"plan": null,
"tags": null
More information about cloud computing with Debian is available on the wiki.

18 August 2017

Dirk Eddelbuettel: RcppArmadillo 0.7.960.1.0

armadillo image The bi-monthly RcppArmadillo release is out with a new version 0.7.960.1.0 which is now on CRAN, and will get to Debian in due course. And it is a big one. Lots of nice upstream changes from Armadillo, and lots of work on our end as the Google Summer of Code project by Binxiang Ni, plus a few smaller enhancements -- see below for details. Armadillo is a powerful and expressive C++ template library for linear algebra aiming towards a good balance between speed and ease of use with a syntax deliberately close to a Matlab. RcppArmadillo integrates this library with the R environment and language--and is widely used by (currently) 379 other packages on CRAN---an increase of 49 since the last CRAN release in June! Changes in this release relative to the previous CRAN release are as follows:

Changes in RcppArmadillo version 0.7.960.1.0 (2017-08-11)
  • Upgraded to Armadillo release 7.960.1 (Northern Banana Republic Deluxe)
    • faster randn() when using OpenMP (NB: usually omitted when used fromR)
    • faster gmm_diag class, for Gaussian mixture models with diagonal covariance matrices
    • added .sum_log_p() to the gmm_diag class
    • added gmm_full class, for Gaussian mixture models with full covariance matrices
    • expanded .each_slice() to optionally use OpenMP for multi-threaded execution
  • Upgraded to Armadillo release 7.950.0 (Northern Banana Republic)
    • expanded accu() and sum() to use OpenMP for processing expressions with computationally expensive element-wise functions
    • expanded trimatu() and trimatl() to allow specification of the diagonal which delineates the boundary of the triangular part
  • Enhanced support for sparse matrices (Binxiang Ni as part of Google Summer of Code 2017)
    • Add support for dtCMatrix and dsCMatrix (#135)
    • Add conversion and unit tests for dgT, dtT and dsTMatrix (#136)
    • Add conversion and unit tests for dgR, dtR and dsRMatrix (#139)
    • Add conversion and unit tests for pMatrix and ddiMatrix (#140)
    • Rewrite conversion for dgT, dtT and dsTMatrix, and add file-based tests (#142)
    • Add conversion and unit tests for indMatrix (#144)
    • Rewrite conversion for ddiMatrix (#145)
    • Add a warning message for matrices that cannot be converted (#147)
    • Add new vignette for sparse matrix support (#152; Dirk in #153)
    • Add support for sparse matrix conversion from Python SciPy (#158 addressing #141)
  • Optional return of row or column vectors in collapsed form if appropriate #define is set (Serguei Sokol in #151 and #154)
  • Correct speye() for non-symmetric cases (Qiang Kou in #150 closing #149).
  • Ensure tests using Scientific Python and reticulate are properly conditioned on the packages being present.
  • Added .aspell/ directory with small local directory now supported by R-devel.

Courtesy of CRANberries, there is a diffstat report. More detailed information is on the RcppArmadillo page. Questions, comments etc should go to the rcpp-devel mailing list off the R-Forge page.

This post by Dirk Eddelbuettel originated on his Thinking inside the box blog. Please report excessive re-aggregation in third-party for-profit settings.

1 June 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities May 2017




  • Debian: discuss mail bounces with a hoster, check perms of LE results, add 1 user to a group, re-sent some TLS cert expiry mail, clean up mail bounce flood, approve some TLS certs, do the samhain dance thrice, end 1 samhain mail flood, diagnose/fix LDAP update issue, relay DebConf cert expiry mails, reboot 2 non-responsive VM, merged patches for meta-package,
  • Debian mentors: lintian/security updates & reboot
  • Debian wiki: delete stray tmp file, whitelist 14 email addresses, disable 1 accounts with bouncing email, ping 3 persons with bouncing email
  • Debian website: update/push index/CD/distrib
  • Debian QA: deploy my changes, disable some removed suites in qadb
  • Debian PTS: strip whitespace from existing pages, invalidate sigs so pages get a rebuild
  • Debian derivatives census: deploy changes
  • Openmoko: security updates & reboots.

  • Invite Purism (on IRC), XBian (also on IRC), DuZeru to the Debian derivatives census
  • Respond to the shutdown of Parsix
  • Report BlankOn fileserver and Huayra webserver issues
  • Organise a transition of Ubuntu/Endless Debian derivatives census maintainers
  • Advocate against Debian having a monopoly on hardware certification
  • Advocate working with existing merchandise vendors
  • Start a discussion about Debian membership in other organisations
  • Advocate for HPE to join the LVFS & support fwupd

Sponsors All work was done on a volunteer basis.

1 April 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities March 2017




  • Debian systems: apply a patch to userdir-ldap, ask a local admin to reset a dead powerpc buildd, remove dead SH4 porterboxen from LDAP, fix perms on www.d.o OC static mirror, report false positives in an an automated abuse report, redirect 1 student to FAQs/support/DebianEdu, redirect 1 event organiser to partners/trademark/merchandise/DPL, redirect 1 guest account seeker to NM, redirect 1 desirer to NM, redirect 1 email bounce to a changes@db.d.o user, redirect 2 people to the listmasters, redirect 1 person to Debian Pure Blends, redirect 1 user to a service admin and redirect 2 users to support
  • Debian packages site: deploy my ports/cruft changes
  • Debian wiki: poke at HP page history and advise a contributor, whitelist 13 email address, whitelist 1 domain, check out history of a banned IP, direct 1 hoster to DebConf17 sponsors team, direct 1 user to OpenStack packaging, direct 1 user to InstallingDebianOn and, direct 2 users to different ways to help Debian and direct 1 emeritus DD on repository wiki page reorganisation
  • Debian QA: fix an issue with the PTS news, remove some debugging cruft I left behind, fix the usertags on a QA bug and deploy some code fixes
  • Debian mentors: security upgrades and service restarts
  • Openmoko: security upgrades and reboots


Sponsors The valgrind backport, samba and libthrift-perl bug reports were sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

1 March 2017

Paul Wise: FLOSS Activities February 2017




  • Debian: do the samhain dance, ask for new local contacts at one site, ask local admins to reset one machine, powercycle 2 dead machines, redirect 1 user to the support channels, redirect 1 user to a service admin, redirect 1 spam reporter to the right mechanisms, investigate mail logs for a missing bug report, ping bugs-search.d.o service admin about moving off glinka and remove data, poke cdimage-search.d.o service admin about moving off glinka, update a cron job on denis.d.o for the rename of to dehydrated, debug planet.d.o issue and remove stray cron job lock file, check if ftp is used on a couple of security.d.o mirrors, discuss storage upgrade for LeaseWeb for snapshot.d.o/deriv.d.n/etc, investigate SSD SMART error and ignore the unknown attribute, ask 9 users to restart their processes, investigate apt-get update failure in nagios, swapoff/swapon a swap file to drain it, restart/disable some failed services, help restore the backup server, debug stretch /dev/log issue,
  • Debian QA: deploy merged PTS/tracker patches,
  • Debian wiki: answer 1 IP-blocked VPN user, pinged 1 user on IRC about their bouncing mail, disabled 4 accounts due to bouncing mail, redirect 1 person to documentation/lists, whitelist 5 email addresses, forward 1 password reset token, killed 1 spammer account, reverted 1 spammer edit,
  • Debian mentors: security upgrades, check which email a user signed up with
  • Openmoko: security upgrades, daemon restarts, reboot

Debian derivatives
  • Turned off the census cron job because it ran out of disk space
  • Update Armbian sources.list
  • Ping siduction folks about updating their sources.list
  • Start a discussion about DebConf17
  • Notify the derivatives based on jessie or older that stretch is frozen
  • Invite Rebellin Linux (again)

Sponsors The libesedb Debian backport was sponsored by my employer. All other work was done on a volunteer basis.

15 February 2017

Holger Levsen: Debian has installer images with non-free firmware included

Even though they are impossible to find without using a search engine or bookmarks, they exist. Bookmark them now. Or use a search engine later ;-)

6 February 2017

Daniel Stender: Howto create a Debian 9 preview as Vagrant box with Packer

I ve got some little scripts and a template here to automatically create Vagrant boxes from cutting edge Debian testing daily snapshots (netinstall ISO image) using HashiCorp s Packer. To create Vagrant boxes with these, you first need a running binary of Packer. There is a Debian package available if that s also your working environment, but Packer is going to be introduced into the stable branch with the upcoming Stretch release itself. However, Ubuntu already has it, and some other derivatives, too. And there are prebuild binaries available from the developer s site which run fine out-of-the-box (you just have to put the single binary somewhere into you $PATH, or expand that to find it). The JSON template should run with any Packer which is available for any of the different systems. Vagrant itself isn t needed to build the box with Packer, but Virtualbox is of course needed to pre bake the machine image within a virtual machine. In Debian the base binaries of Virtualbox are in the contrib archive section, so that source might be added to /etc/apt/sources.list, if haven t already. The scripts have been tested to run with 5.1.10, and I haven t seen that any late versions are demanded in particular, but of course heavily outdated versions might not work properly. Packer installs the guest additions ISO file for Virtualbox into the virtual machine (and the shipped provisioning script then builds them inside). For that, the Debian package which ships that (which is in non-free) is recognized if it is installed, and then could be used by Packer. When the ISO isn t available in the places which Packer checks on the host the builder then automatically downloads the corresponding ISO from When the tarball with the scripts is unpacked, just do make create and the process should run through, if Packer and Virtualbox are available. If your environment doesn t have GNU Make nor wget you might want to copy the relevant lines from the Makefile and run it manually. But if it does, just do it like this:
/tmp/debian-testing-vagrantbox$ make create
virtualbox-iso output will be in this color.
==> virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying Guest additions
    virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying: file:///usr/share/virtualbox/VBoxGuestAdditions.iso
==> virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying ISO
    virtualbox-iso: Downloading or copying:
    virtualbox-iso: Download progress: 10%
    virtualbox-iso: Download progress: 96%
==> virtualbox-iso: Starting HTTP server on port 8219
==> virtualbox-iso: Creating virtual machine...
==> virtualbox-iso: Creating hard drive...
==> virtualbox-iso: Creating forwarded port mapping for communicator (SSH, WinRM, etc) (host port 2885)
==> virtualbox-iso: Starting the virtual machine...
==> virtualbox-iso: Waiting 10s for boot...
==> virtualbox-iso: Typing the boot command...
==> virtualbox-iso: Waiting for SSH to become available...
The Virtualbox window then pops up and the build process continues within the virtual machine for a while. You might want to file a Github issue when there s a problem on your machine, please! (please include the tail of your packer.log) The Packer template (debian-testing-vagrant.json) is described in the documentation of the virtualbox-iso builder. A preseeding script for the Debian Installer (preseed.cfg) is also included which gets injected into the virtual build environment during the build process. The creation progress of the Debian base installation could be easily monitored since the Virtualbox window is fully shown during the Packer run (if you loose your mouse pointer by clicking inside that window, do <Right>+<Control> to escape). For good performance, a fast internet connection is needed since a whole base system must be downloaded if that s available the whole automated process very only takes a couple of minutes to complete on a non-SSD machine. When Packer has finished and a fresh box is created (the size is about 690 MB), it then could be used with Vagrant. Just add the new box with:
/tmp/debian-testing-vagrantbox$ vagrant box add stretch-preview
==> box: Box file was not detected as metadata. Adding it directly...
==> box: Adding box 'stretch-preview' (v0) for provider: 
    box: Unpacking necessary files from: file:///tmp/debian-testing-vagrantbox/
==> box: Successfully added box 'stretch-preview' (v0) for 'virtualbox'!
It then could be initialized within a random working directory with:
/tmp/myproject$ vagrant init stretch-preview
A  Vagrantfile  has been placed in this directory. You are now
ready to  vagrant up  your first virtual environment! Please read
the comments in the Vagrantfile as well as documentation on  for more information on using Vagrant.
After that, you could launch the virtual box with:
/tmp/myproject$ vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'stretch-preview'...
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: myproject_default_1486321215067_75270
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    default: Adapter 1: nat
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
    default: SSH address:
    default: SSH username: vagrant
    default: SSH auth method: private key
    default: Vagrant insecure key detected. Vagrant will automatically replace
    default: this with a newly generated keypair for better security.
    default: Inserting generated public key within guest...
    default: Removing insecure key from the guest if it's present...
    default: Key inserted! Disconnecting and reconnecting using new SSH key...
==> default: Machine booted and ready!
==> default: Checking for guest additions in VM...
==> default: Mounting shared folders...
    default: /vagrant => /tmp/myproject
Then you can SSH into it by doing (touch is used here only to point to the shared folder):
/tmp/myproject$ touch hello!
/tmp/myproject$ vagrant ssh
The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
permitted by applicable law.
/usr/bin/xauth:  file /home/vagrant/.Xauthority does not exist
vagrant@packer-virtualbox-iso-1486319595:~$ $ cat /etc/debian_version
vagrant@packer-virtualbox-iso-1486319595:~$ ls /vagrant/
hello!  Vagrantfile
vagrant@packer-virtualbox-iso-1486319595:~$ exit
Connection to closed.
/tmp/myproject$ vagrant halt
==> default: Attempting graceful shutdown of VM...
If you haven t worked with Vagrant before, maybe this is appealing. The user experience is somehwhat different from working with a chroot. Packer makes it very convenient to keep freshly created boxes for it coming. Have fun!

16 November 2016

Shirish Agarwal: The long tail in a common s man journey to debconf16 2

This is an extension of part 1 which I shared few days ago. This would be a longish one so please bear. First of all somebody emailed me this link so in the future a layover at Doha Airport will be a bit expensive from before, approx INR 700/- added to the ticket costs Moving on, Let me share an experience I shared one of the last few days I had while I was in Cape Town
Singer singing some great oldies from 60's , 70's till 90's.

Singer singing some great oldies from 60 s , 70 s till 90 s.

I had booked a place near Long Street, Cape Town using Bernelle s help. What I had not known at that time that near Long Street there are free walking tours every couple of hours. I took part in all the tours and those were nice experiences. Where they start the walk, there was the gentleman pictured above. I was amazed by this gentleman s rich voice. He strummed lot of classics from the 60 s, 70 s till the 90 s . I had two coffees and thought I was at a premium rock concert. It was a bitter-sweet experience for me because I could see that he has such prodigious talent and still he had to struggle to survive to make ends meet. I did my 2 bit but wish I could have done something more. Side note Before I forget there is one trick of feh which I use to view images without it getting very high-resolution (especially on my low-end systems) [shirish@debian] - [/run/user/1000/gvfs/mtp:host=%5Busb%3A001%2C006%5D/Card/DCIM/Camera] - [4621]
[$] feh -g 1350x1000 .
This actually makes it far far easier to traverse through the 1000 odd photos of the trip that I have in my personal archive without doing any sort of conversion methodology. Btw, it took me time but finally was able to create an album at . Haven t been able to upload photos as came across an error which I have shared at Moving on, here s the funny story/experience I wanted to share could have been arrested ;) What happened was this. This is from the Doha Airport. I had seen big buggies (ones similar to golf carts) which was ferrying people from end of the concourse to the other. I had been walking the whole day and even with the horizontal escalators and everything, it takes a toll. I was half-tired, half-sleepy and saw a buggy stationed. From behind it looked like the buggies I had seen. As there was no place to park my behind there, I entered into the buggy and sat there. Around 15-20 minutes later a Doha cop in another buggy came to me and asked me if something had happened ? I had no clue what he was talking about. He told/shared/asked me in friendly tone whether I had committed a crime or wanted to report a crime. When I replied in negative to both, he asked then why I was sitting there. I replied it was for stretching my legs and it was the buggy which was being used to transport people from A. to B. He gently told me I had entered into the wrong one and it was actually a cop buggy. I couldn t believe it. He did go his own way as he saw I was dead-tired. After 10-15 minutes, half-believingly I came out of the buggy and to my shock the gentleman was right. There was nothing to do but solder on to find a spot in this big airport. I shared this with few friends and family and managed to elicit few laughs hence sharing. The somewhat sad one was I had met a couple with a baby. Now as shared before, Most Airports including the Doha Airport is Air-Conditioned/Climate-Controlled and is probably in mid-20 s so it was more than cold for me. The couples with the baby were from Asian sub-continent. From their clothes and the way they were, they were not very well off. I do remember them sharing that they had a death in the family and hence were going. I didn t know at that point in time that there was something called bereavement fares and if they were able to take opportunity of those tickets. But this is besides the point . The issue was that their baby had been running a high-fever and the A/C was making matters worse. I had seen a pharmacy but no clinic in the airport. It was much later I came across but as can be seen on the web-page it doesn t tell whether the services are chargeable or not. I assume it would be paid, although in some of the developed/industrialized countries it is rumoured not to be for simple ailments such as the baby was going through. Have no idea if that s true or not. I also don t know how it equates with travel insurance as well as most travel insurance is also supposed to help you in situations like these. I was concerned as it was a baby and babies as all know are very very fragile. If anybody has an idea or had similar experience would like to know specifically related to International Airport environment as it has transit issues unlike in domestic airports where I don t think it would be a bit more easy. Now coming to my own inadequacies/lack of foresight which I had mentioned I will share, I had asked/queried and got to lead a Debian-installation workshop on the Open Debian Day. I had done a few earlier and had installed it a few times on my system and for my friends, relatives and some clients. The only bad experiences I had were to do with UEFI but even those in the jessie releases had got resolved quite a bit, so was pretty confident. The day before the Installfest was to happen, Mensah Nyarko Yaa Dufie (one full name) of Ghana approached me to install Debian on her system. I had some older version of the Debian DVD either 8.1 or 8.3 and had known that 8.5 had been released just a few days back. Had seen pretty fast internet (as far as downloading Debian DVD) is concerned hence asked her to wait a bit while I downloaded the newest image. I sha256summed it to make sure that the image was bit-to-bit perfect. Now I hadn t bought a pen drive/disk from India as I was under the impression that in such conferences, pen drives should not be an issue. I had asked Bernelle privately before via e-mail as well and she had assured me that some pen-drives would be available. She gave me a handful of HP pen drives. The pen drives as we came know during our usage were somewhat flaky. It would pop out/lose connection even with the slightest nudge to the lappy. Somehow I was able to transfer the image to the usb disk. As people say hindsight is 50:50 maybe it was not such a smart move on my part to download the big DVD image and maybe I should have got the netinstall iso . Be careful, the link I have just shared is of the old version, if you have good web link and want to try the newest stable netinstall head to . Apart from that goof-up I dunno (still) of anyway to know if a copy from an .iso image to usb was successful or not and did it do correctly I did the following command sudo dd if=/path_to/debian-dvd.iso of=/dev/usb-mount-point which is usually /dev/sdb on all of my systems . Her system was a brand new HP (don t remember the model details) which she had bought just a few weeks/months before debconf. We tried a few times but it failed at installing the boot-loader stage. I asked Ritesh Raj Saraff (a friend and DD) and while he had some ideas, none of them worked. Ritesh later pointed out Steve McIntyre and shared he is part of the Debian-Installer team. At that point in time, I had no clue who Steve McIntyre was otherwise I probably would not have approached him. He quickly acquiesced to my request and shared that he would be there for the workshop. With load of my mind little bit, I apologized to mensah and asked her to be at the workshop the following day. I had no clue what was wrong at this point in time, whether it was the iso image in the usb disk or a UEFI issue. This also wasn t good for my confidence but as somebody from the Debian-Installer team was there, I was somewhat relaxed. Next day, some more people came for the Installfest. While I had made 2-3 copies, clearly it was not enough as more people came. I was in a frenzy and asked Deven Bansod, Keerthana Krishnan, Prabaharan Jaminy (the whole GSOC and Outreachy attendees) to volunteer to help out in making more iso images on usb disks. I introduced mensah to Steve McIntyre and we tried 2-3 times to get debian installed on the system but it didn t move from the same place. Ritesh shared that dd had a memory leak and hence cat was a better way to do it. So we did

$ cat debian.iso > /dev/sdb
and soon other machines had debian sporting on their desktops. But mensa s lappy wouldn t get move from the boot-loader stage. Suddenly Steve had the bright idea (light bulb moment) that maybe the .iso is corrupted/usb disk is bad or something is incomplete. We started on another usb disk. Now this is where I have a query While I don t want to compare, in Ubuntu there was an image self-checking mechanism where probably behind the scenes (backend) the checksums published in a file are compared with checksums generated by apps. which are on the .iso image. While it does extend your time, the end result is you know if there is some issue on the decompressed image on the usb disk. AFAIK we don t have anything similar. The only two things I know is the wiki page and of course the various checksums of the image as shared at or If anybody knows of any movement or a bug in the BTS which I can follow for the above issue please let me know. This time Steve was able to install it without any issues. I asked him whether he had to make some specific FAT/Ex-FAT/NTFS partitions as some new UEFI-based lappies need one or more but he replied in the negative. While mensa did get her debian install, the GUI didn t come while command-prompt was available. Then Steve added backports to the sources.list, got the new kernel, new Intel/Nvidia drivers (think it was one of those hybrid models IIRC) and she was able to boot into GNOME-Debian. I didn t saw any bug-reports about checksumming state of the applications before installation but did couple of reports about badblocks support and memory checking and from action on both bug-reports it is also need of the hour (although the earlier one has been marked as won t fix :(). In this whole thing, I liked/appreciated the way Steve handled things, I intuitively understood/knew that he wasn t just part of the Debian-installer team but someone better. I can t explain it but it was there. A little investigation in the evening and it turned out that he had been Debian Project Leader for two consecutive years (2008 and 2009) . In hindsight it probably was a good thing I didn t know that before otherwise I probably wouldn t have interacted with him and it would have been my loss. To have been the DPL and still being so humble while technically being so proficient, I was amazed and didn t know what to make of it. Here i.e. in India, if somebody wins even the mohalla elections (neighbourhood elections) the person carries a big chip on her/is shoulder not just till he is on the seat but even beyond, and here was an example of a previous DPL asking time from one of the developers in a video if it s possible in the next couple of days. Lastly,last week have able to report 2 bugs upstream. The first one is of youtube-dl . It s somewhat complicated hence will not go there atm. The second and more surprising one was from nano our esteemed text-editor- Hopefully the bug will be fixed once a new version comes.
Filed under: Miscellenous Tagged: #buggy, #cop, #Debconf16, #doha airport, #Installfest, #nano, #singer, #youtube-dl, travel

3 November 2016

Jan Wagner: Container Orchestration Thoughts

Container Orchestration ThoughtsSince some time everybody (read developer) want to run his new microservice stacks in containers. I can understand that building and testing an application is important for developers.
One of the benefits of containers is, that developer (in theory) can put their new version of applications into production on their own. This is the point where operations is affected and operations needs to evaluate, if that might evolve into better workflow. For yolo^WdevOps people there are some challenges that needs to be solved, or at least mitigated, when things needs to be done in large(r) scale.

Orchestration Engine Running Docker, which is actual the most preferred container solution, on a single host with docker command line client is something you can do, but there you leave the gap between dev and ops.

UI For Docker Since some time there is UI For Docker available for visualizing and managing containers on a single docker node. It's pretty awesome and the best feature so far is the Container Network view, which also shows the linked container. Container Orchestration Thoughts

Portainer Portainer is pretty new and it can be deployed as easy as UI For Docker. But the (first) great advantage: it can handle Docker Swarm. Beside that it has many other great features. Container Orchestration Thoughts

Rancher Rancher describes themselves as 'container management platform' that 'supports and manages all of your Kubernetes, Mesos, and Swarm clusters'. This is great because this are all of the relevant docker cluster orchestrations at the market actually. Container Orchestration Thoughts For the use cases, we are facing, Kubernetes and Mesos seems both like bloated beasts. Usman Ismail has written a really good comparison of Orchestration Engine options which goes into details. Container Orchestration Thoughts

Docker Swarm As there is actually no clear defacto standard/winner of the (container) orchestration wars, I would prevent to be in a vendor lock-in situation (yet). Docker swarm seems to be evolving and is getting more nice features other competitors doesn't provide.
Due the native integration into the docker framework and great community I believe Docker Swarm will be the Docker Orchestration of the choice on the long run. This should be supported by Rancher 1.2 which is not released yet.
From this point of view it looks very reasonable that Docker Swarm in combination with Rancher (1.2) might be a good strategy to maintain your container farms in the future. If you think to put Docker Swarm into production in the actual state, I recommend to read Docker swarm mode: What to know before going live on production by Panjamapong Sermsawatsri.

Persistent Storage While it is a best practice to use data volume container these days, providing persistent storage across multiple hosts for shared volumes seems to be tricky. In theory you can mount a shared-storage volume as a data volume and there are several volume plugins which supports shared storage. For example you can use the convoy plugin which gives you:
  • thin provisioned volumes
  • snapshots of volumes
  • backup of snapshots
  • restore volumes
As backend you can use:
  • Device Mapper
  • Virtual File System(VFS)/Network File System(NFS)
  • Amazon Elastic Block Store(EBS)
The good thing is, that convoy is integrated into Rancher. For more information I suggest to read Setting Up Shared Volumes with Convoy-NFS, which also mentions some limitations. If you want test Persistent Storage Service, Rancher provides some documentation. Actually I did not evaluate shared-storage volumes yet, but I don't see a solution I would love to use in production (at least on-premise) without strong downsides. But maybe things will go further and there might be a great solution for this caveats in the future.

Keeping base images up-to-date Since some time there are many projects that tries to detect security problems in your container images in several ways.
Beside general security considerations you need to deal somehow with issues in your base images that you build your applications on. Of course, even if you know you have a security issue in your application image, you need to fix it, which depends on the way how you based your application upon.

Ways to base your application image
  • You can build your application image entire from scratch, which leaves all the work to your development team and I wouldn't recommend it that way.
  • You also can create one (or more) intermediate image(s) that will be used by your development team.
  • The development team might ground their work on images in public available or private (for example the one bundled to your gitlab CI/CD solution) registries.

Whats the struggle with the base image? If you are using images being not (well) maintained by other people, you have to wait for them to fix your base image. Using external images might also lead into trust problems (can you trust those people in general?).
In an ideal world, your developers have always fresh base images with fixed security issues. This can probably be done by rebuilding every intermediate image periodically or when the base image changes.

Paradigm change Anyway, if you have a new application image available (with no known security issues), you need to deploy it to production. This is summarized by Jason McKay in his article Docker Security: How to Monitor and Patch Containers in the Cloud:
To implement a patch, update the base image and then rebuild the application image. This will require systems and development teams to work closely together.
So patching security issues in the container world changes workflow significant. In the old world operation teams mostly rolled security fixes for the base systems independent from development teams.
Now hitting containers the production area this might change things significant.

Bringing updated images to production Imagine your development team doesn't work steady on a project, cause the product owner consider it feature complete. The base image is provided (in some way) consistently without security issues. The application image is build on top of that automatically on every update of the base image.
How do you push in such a scenario the security fixes to production? From my point of view you have two choices:
  • Let the development team require to test the resulting application image and put it into production
  • Push the new application image without review by the development team into production
The first scenario might lead into a significant delay until the fixes hit production created by the probably infrequent work of the development team. The latter one brings your security fixes early to production by the notable higher risk to break your application. This risk can be reduced by implementing massive tests into CI/CD pipelines by the development team. Rolling updates provided by Docker Swarm might also reduce the risk of ending with a broken application. When you are implementing an update process of your (application) images to production, you should consider Watchtower that provides Automatic Updates for Docker Containers.

Conclusion Not being a product owner or the operations part of an application that is facing a widely adopted usage that would compensate the actual tradeoffs we are still facing I tend not to move large scale production projects into a container environment.
This means not that this might be a bad idea for others, but I'd like to sort out some of the caveats before. I'm still interested to put smaller projects into production, being not scared to reimplement or move them on a new stack.
For smaller projects with a small number of hosts Portainer looks not bad as well as Rancher with the Cattle orchestration engine if you just want to manage a couple of nodes. Things are going to be interesting if Rancher 1.2 supports Docker swarm cluster out of the box. Let's see what the future will bring us to the container world and how to make a great stack out of it.

Update I suggest to read Docker in Production: A History of Failure and the answer Docker in Production: A retort to understand the actual challenges when running Docker in larger scale production environments.

31 October 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in October 2016

Here is my monthly update covering what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):

Debian & Reproducible builds

Whilst anyone can inspect the source code of free software for malicious flaws, most GNU/Linux distributions provide binary (or "compiled") packages to end users. The motivation behind the Reproducible Builds effort is to allow verification that no flaws have been introduced either maliciously and accidentally during this compilation process by promising identical binary packages are always generated from a given source.

  • Presented a talk entitled "Reproducible Builds" talk at Software Freedom Kosova, in Prishtina, Republic of Kosovo.

  • I filed my 2,500th bug in the Debian BTS: #840972: golang-google-appengine: accesses the internet during build.

  • In order to build packages reproducibly, one not only needs identical sources but also some external and sharable definition of the environment used for a particular build, stipulating such things such as the version numbers of the required build-dependencies. It is not currently clear how to handle these .buildinfo files after the archive software has processed them and how to make them available to the world so I started development on a proof-of-concept server to see what issues arise in practice. It is available at

  • Chaired an IRC meeting and ran a poll to determine a regular time .

  • Submitted two design proposals to our wiki page.

  • Improvements to our testing framework:

    • Move regular "Scheduled in..." messages to the #debian-reproducible-changes IRC channel.
    • Use our log_info method instead of manual echo calls.
    • Correct an "all sources packages" "all source packages" typo.
    • Submit .buildinfo files to
    • Create GPG key on nodes for at deploy time, not "lazily".

My work in the Reproducible Builds project was also covered in our weekly reports. (#75, #76, #77 & #78).

I also submitted 14 patches to fix specific reproducibility issues in bio-eagle, cf-python, fastx-toolkit, fpga-icestorm, http-icons, lambda-align, mypy, playitslowly, seabios, stumpwm, sympa, tj3, wims-help & xotcl.
Debian LTS

This month I have been paid to work 13 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • Seven days of "frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Issued DLA 647-1 for freeimage correcting an out-of-bounds write vulnerability in the XMP image handling functionality.
  • Issued DLA 649-1 for python-django fixing a possible CSRF protection bypass on sites that use Google Analytics.
  • Issued DLA 654-1 for libxfixes preventing an integer overflow when a malicious client sent INT_MAX as a "length".
  • Issued DLA 662-1 for quagga correcting a programming error where two constants were confused that could cause stack overrun in IPv6 routing code.
  • Issued DLA 688-1 for cairo to prevent a DoS attack where a malicious SVG could generate invalid pointers.

  • gunicorn:
    • 19.6.0-7 Set supplementary groups when changing uid, add an example systemd .service file to gunicorn-examples, and expand README.Debian to make it clearer what to do now that /etc/gunicorn.d has been removed.
    • 19.6.0-8 Correct previous supplementary groups patch to be compatible with Python 3.
  • redis:
    • 3:3.2.4-2 Ensure that sentinel's configuration actually writes to a pidfile location so that systemd can detect that the daemon has started.
    • 3:3.2.5-1 New upstream release.
  • libfiu:
    • 0.94-8 Fix FTBFS under Bash due to lack of && in debian/rules.
    • 0.94-9 Ensure the build is reproducible by sorting injected modules.
  • aptfs (2:0.8-2) Minor cosmetic changes.

  • libxml-dumper-perl (0.81-1.2) Move away from a unsupported debhelper compat level 4.
  • netatalk (2.2.5-1.1) Drop build-dependency on hardening-includes.

QA uploads
  • anon-proxy (00.05.38+20081230-4) Move to a supported debhelper compatibility level 9.
  • ara (1.0.32) Make the build reproducible.
  • binutils-m68hc1x (1:2.18-8) Make the build reproducible & move to a supported debhelper compatibility level.
  • fracplanet (0.4.0-5) Make the build reproducible.
  • libnss-ldap (265-5) Make the build reproducible.
  • python-uniconvertor (1.1.5-3) Fix an "option release requires an argument" FTBFS. (#839375)
  • ripole (0.2.0+20081101.0215-3) Actually include the ripole binary in package. (#839919) & enable hardening flags.
  • twitter-bootstrap (2.0.2+dfsg-10) Fix incorrect copyright formatting when building under Bash. (#824592)
  • zpaq (1.10-3) Make the build reproducible.

Debian FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 147 packages: ace-link, amazon-s2n, avy, basez, bootstrap-vz, bucklespring, camitk, carettah, cf-python, debian-reference, dfcgen-gtk, efivar, entropybroker, fakesleep, gall, game-data-packager, gitano, glare, gnome-panel, gnome-shell-extension-dashtodock, gnome-shell-extension-refreshwifi, gnome-shell-extension-remove-dropdown-arrows, golang-github-gogits-go-gogs-client, golang-github-gucumber-gucumber, golang-github-hlandau-buildinfo, golang-github-hlandau-dexlogconfig, golang-github-hlandau-goutils, golang-github-influxdata-toml, golang-github-jacobsa-crypto, golang-github-kjk-lzma, golang-github-miekg-dns, golang-github-minio-sha256-simd, golang-github-nfnt-resize, golang-github-nicksnyder-go-i18n, golang-github-pointlander-compress, golang-github-pointlander-jetset, golang-github-pointlander-peg, golang-github-rfjakob-eme, golang-github-thecreeper-go-notify, golang-github-twstrike-gotk3adapter, golang-github-unknwon-goconfig, golang-gopkg-dancannon-gorethink.v1, golang-petname, haskell-argon2, haskell-binary-parsers, haskell-bindings-dsl, haskell-deriving-compat, haskell-hackage-security, haskell-hcwiid, haskell-hsopenssl-x509-system, haskell-megaparsec, haskell-mono-traversable-instances, haskell-prim-uniq, haskell-raaz, haskell-readable, haskell-readline, haskell-relational-record, haskell-safe-exceptions, haskell-servant-client, haskell-token-bucket, haskell-zxcvbn-c, irclog2html, ironic-ui, lace, ledger, libdancer2-plugin-passphrase-perl, libdatetime-calendar-julian-perl, libdbix-class-optimisticlocking-perl, libdbix-class-schema-config-perl, libgeo-constants-perl, libgeo-ellipsoids-perl, libgeo-functions-perl, libgeo-inverse-perl, libio-async-loop-mojo-perl, libmojolicious-plugin-assetpack-perl, libmojolicious-plugin-renderfile-perl, libparams-validationcompiler-perl, libspecio-perl, libtest-time-perl, libtest2-plugin-nowarnings-perl, linux, lua-scrypt, mono, mutt-vc-query, neutron, node-ansi-font, node-buffer-equal, node-defaults, node-formatio, node-fs-exists-sync, node-fs.realpath, node-is-buffer, node-jison-lex, node-jju, node-jsonstream, node-kind-of, node-lex-parser, node-lolex, node-loud-rejection, node-random-bytes, node-randombytes, node-regex-not, node-repeat-string, node-samsam, node-set-value, node-source-map-support, node-spdx-correct, node-static-extend, node-test, node-to-object-path, node-type-check, node-typescript, node-unset-value, nutsqlite, opencv, openssl1.0, panoramisk, perl6, pg-rage-terminator, pg8000, plv8, puppet-module-oslo, pymoc, pyramid-jinja2, python-bitbucket-api, python-ceilometermiddleware, python-configshell-fb, python-ewmh, python-gimmik, python-jsbeautifier, python-opcua, python-pyldap, python-s3transfer, python-testing.common.database, python-testing.mysqld, python-testing.postgresql, python-wheezy.template, qspeakers, r-cran-nleqslv, recommonmark, rolo, shim, swift-im, tendermint-go-clist, tongue, uftrace & zaqar-ui.

20 October 2016

H ctor Or n Mart nez: Build a Debian package against Debian 8.0 using Download On Demand (DoD) service

In the previous post Open Build Service software architecture has been overviewed. In the current blog post, a tutorial on setting up a package build with OBS from Debian packages is presented. Steps: Generate a test environment by creating Stretch/SID VM Really, use whatever suits you best, but please create an untrusted test environment for this one. In the current tutorial it assumes $hostname is stretch , which should be stretch or sid suite. Be aware that copy & paste configuration files from current post might lead you into broken characters (i.e. ). Debian Stretch weekly netinst CD Enable experimental repository
# echo "deb experimental main" >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/experimental.list
# apt-get update
Install and setup OBS server, api, worker and osc CLI packages
# apt-get install obs-server obs-api obs-worker osc
In the install process mysql database is needed, therefore if mysql server is not setup, a password needs to be provided.
When OBS API database obs-api is created, we need to pick a password for it, provide opensuse . The obs-api package will configure apache2 https webserver (creating a dummy certificate for stretch ) to serve OBS webui.
Add stretch and obs aliases to localhost entry in your /etc/hosts file.
Enable worker by setting ENABLED=1 in /etc/default/obsworker
Try to connect to the web UI https://stretch/
Login into OBS webui, default login credentials: Admin/opensuse).
From command line tool, try to list projects in OBS
 $ osc -A https://stretch ls
Accept dummy certificate and provide credentials (defaults: Admin/opensuse)
If the install proceeds as expected follow to the next step. Ensure all OBS services are running
# backend services
obsrun     813  0.0  0.9 104960 20448 ?        Ss   08:33   0:03 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_dodup
obsrun     815  0.0  1.5 157512 31940 ?        Ss   08:33   0:07 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_repserver
obsrun    1295  0.0  1.6 157644 32960 ?        S    08:34   0:07  \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_repserver
obsrun     816  0.0  1.8 167972 38600 ?        Ss   08:33   0:08 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_srcserver
obsrun    1296  0.0  1.8 168100 38864 ?        S    08:34   0:09  \_ /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_srcserver
memcache   817  0.0  0.6 346964 12872 ?        Ssl  08:33   0:11 /usr/bin/memcached -m 64 -p 11211 -u memcache -l
obsrun     818  0.1  0.5  78548 11884 ?        Ss   08:33   0:41 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_dispatch
obsserv+   819  0.0  0.3  77516  7196 ?        Ss   08:33   0:05 /usr/bin/perl -w /usr/lib/obs/server/bs_service
mysql      851  0.0  0.0   4284  1324 ?        Ss   08:33   0:00 /bin/sh /usr/bin/mysqld_safe
mysql     1239  0.2  6.3 1010744 130104 ?      Sl   08:33   1:31  \_ /usr/sbin/mysqld --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql --plugin-dir=/usr/lib/mysql/plugin --log-error=/var/log/mysql/error.log --pid-file=/var/run/mysqld/ --socket=/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock --port=3306
# web services
root      1452  0.0  0.1 110020  3968 ?        Ss   08:34   0:01 /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
root      1454  0.0  0.1 435992  3496 ?        Ssl  08:34   0:00  \_ Passenger watchdog
root      1460  0.3  0.2 651044  5188 ?        Sl   08:34   1:46      \_ Passenger core
nobody    1465  0.0  0.1 444572  3312 ?        Sl   08:34   0:00      \_ Passenger ust-router
www-data  1476  0.0  0.1 855892  2608 ?        Sl   08:34   0:09  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data  1477  0.0  0.1 856068  2880 ?        Sl   08:34   0:09  \_ /usr/sbin/apache2 -k start
www-data  1761  0.0  4.9 426868 102040 ?       Sl   08:34   0:29 delayed_job.0
www-data  1767  0.0  4.8 425624 99888 ?        Sl   08:34   0:30 delayed_job.1
www-data  1775  0.0  4.9 426516 101708 ?       Sl   08:34   0:28 delayed_job.2
nobody    1788  0.0  5.7 496092 117480 ?       Sl   08:34   0:03 Passenger RubyApp: /usr/share/obs/api
nobody    1796  0.0  4.9 488888 102176 ?       Sl   08:34   0:00 Passenger RubyApp: /usr/share/obs/api
www-data  1814  0.0  4.5 282576 92376 ?        Sl   08:34   0:22 delayed_job.1000
www-data  1829  0.0  4.4 282684 92228 ?        Sl   08:34   0:22 delayed_job.1010
www-data  1841  0.0  4.5 282932 92536 ?        Sl   08:34   0:22 delayed_job.1020
www-data  1855  0.0  4.9 427988 101492 ?       Sl   08:34   0:29 delayed_job.1030
www-data  1865  0.2  5.0 492500 102964 ?       Sl   08:34   1:09 clockworkd.clock
www-data  1899  0.0  0.0  87100  1400 ?        S    08:34   0:00 /usr/bin/searchd --pidfile --config /usr/share/obs/api/config/production.sphinx.conf
www-data  1900  0.1  0.4 161620  8276 ?        Sl   08:34   0:51  \_ /usr/bin/searchd --pidfile --config /usr/share/obs/api/config/production.sphinx.conf
# OBS worker
root      1604  0.0  0.0  28116  1492 ?        Ss   08:34   0:00 SCREEN -m -d -c /srv/obs/run/worker/boot/screenrc
root      1605  0.0  0.9  75424 18764 pts/0    Ss+  08:34   0:06  \_ /usr/bin/perl -w ./bs_worker --hardstatus --root /srv/obs/worker/root_1 --statedir /srv/obs/run/worker/1 --id stretch:1 --reposerver http://obs:5252 --jobs 1
Create an OBS project for Download on Demand (DoD) Create a meta project file:
$ osc -A https://stretch:443 meta prj Debian:8 -e
<project name= Debian:8 >
<title>Debian 8 DoD</title>
<description>Debian 8 DoD</description>
<person userid= Admin role= maintainer />
<repository name= main >
<download arch= x86_64 url= repotype= deb />
Visit webUI to check project configuration Create a meta project configuration file:
$ osc -A https://stretch:443 meta prjconf Debian:8 -e
Add the following file, as found at
Repotype: debian
# create initial user
Preinstall: base-passwd
Preinstall: user-setup
# required for preinstall images
Preinstall: perl
# preinstall essentials + dependencies
Preinstall: base-files base-passwd bash bsdutils coreutils dash debconf
Preinstall: debianutils diffutils dpkg e2fslibs e2fsprogs findutils gawk
Preinstall: gcc-4.9-base grep gzip hostname initscripts insserv libacl1
Preinstall: libattr1 libblkid1 libbz2-1.0 libc-bin libc6 libcomerr2 libdb5.3
Preinstall: libgcc1 liblzma5 libmount1 libncurses5 libpam-modules
Preinstall: libpcre3 libsmartcols1
Preinstall: libpam-modules-bin libpam-runtime libpam0g libreadline6
Preinstall: libselinux1 libsemanage-common libsemanage1 libsepol1 libsigsegv2
Preinstall: libslang2 libss2 libtinfo5 libustr-1.0-1 libuuid1 login lsb-base
Preinstall: mount multiarch-support ncurses-base ncurses-bin passwd perl-base
Preinstall: readline-common sed sensible-utils sysv-rc sysvinit sysvinit-utils
Preinstall: tar tzdata util-linux zlib1g
Runscripts: base-passwd user-setup base-files gawk
VMinstall: libdevmapper1.02.1
Order: user-setup:base-files
# Essential packages (this should also pull the dependencies)
Support: base-files base-passwd bash bsdutils coreutils dash debianutils
Support: diffutils dpkg e2fsprogs findutils grep gzip hostname libc-bin 
Support: login mount ncurses-base ncurses-bin perl-base sed sysvinit 
Support: sysvinit-utils tar util-linux
# Build-essentials
Required: build-essential
Prefer: build-essential:make
# build script needs fakeroot
Support: fakeroot
# lintian support would be nice, but breaks too much atm
#Support: lintian
# helper tools in the chroot
Support: less kmod net-tools procps psmisc strace vim
# everything below same as for Debian:6.0 (apart from the version macros ofc)
# circular dependendencies in openjdk stack
Order: openjdk-6-jre-lib:openjdk-6-jre-headless
Order: openjdk-6-jre-headless:ca-certificates-java
Keep: binutils cpp cracklib file findutils gawk gcc gcc-ada gcc-c++
Keep: gzip libada libstdc++ libunwind
Keep: libunwind-devel libzio make mktemp pam-devel pam-modules
Keep: patch perl rcs timezone
Prefer: cvs libesd0 libfam0 libfam-dev expect
Prefer: gawk locales default-jdk
Prefer: xorg-x11-libs libpng fam mozilla mozilla-nss xorg-x11-Mesa
Prefer: unixODBC libsoup glitz java-1_4_2-sun gnome-panel
Prefer: desktop-data-SuSE gnome2-SuSE mono-nunit gecko-sharp2
Prefer: apache2-prefork openmotif-libs ghostscript-mini gtk-sharp
Prefer: glib-sharp libzypp-zmd-backend mDNSResponder
Prefer: -libgcc-mainline -libstdc++-mainline -gcc-mainline-c++
Prefer: -libgcj-mainline -viewperf -compat -compat-openssl097g
Prefer: -zmd -OpenOffice_org -pam-laus -libgcc-tree-ssa -busybox-links
Prefer: -crossover-office -libgnutls11-dev
# alternative pkg-config implementation
Prefer: -pkgconf
Prefer: -openrc
Prefer: -file-rc
Conflict: ghostscript-library:ghostscript-mini
Ignore: sysvinit:initscripts
Ignore: aaa_base:aaa_skel,suse-release,logrotate,ash,mingetty,distribution-release
Ignore: gettext-devel:libgcj,libstdc++-devel
Ignore: pwdutils:openslp
Ignore: pam-modules:resmgr
Ignore: rpm:suse-build-key,build-key
Ignore: bind-utils:bind-libs
Ignore: alsa:dialog,pciutils
Ignore: portmap:syslogd
Ignore: fontconfig:freetype2
Ignore: fontconfig-devel:freetype2-devel
Ignore: xorg-x11-libs:freetype2
Ignore: xorg-x11:x11-tools,resmgr,xkeyboard-config,xorg-x11-Mesa,libusb,freetype2,libjpeg,libpng
Ignore: apache2:logrotate
Ignore: arts:alsa,audiofile,resmgr,libogg,libvorbis
Ignore: kdelibs3:alsa,arts,pcre,OpenEXR,aspell,cups-libs,mDNSResponder,krb5,libjasper
Ignore: kdelibs3-devel:libvorbis-devel
Ignore: kdebase3:kdebase3-ksysguardd,OpenEXR,dbus-1,dbus-1-qt,hal,powersave,openslp,libusb
Ignore: kdebase3-SuSE:release-notes
Ignore: jack:alsa,libsndfile
Ignore: libxml2-devel:readline-devel
Ignore: gnome-vfs2:gnome-mime-data,desktop-file-utils,cdparanoia,dbus-1,dbus-1-glib,krb5,hal,libsmbclient,fam,file_alteration
Ignore: libgda:file_alteration
Ignore: gnutls:lzo,libopencdk
Ignore: gnutls-devel:lzo-devel,libopencdk-devel
Ignore: pango:cairo,glitz,libpixman,libpng
Ignore: pango-devel:cairo-devel
Ignore: cairo-devel:libpixman-devel
Ignore: libgnomeprint:libgnomecups
Ignore: libgnomeprintui:libgnomecups
Ignore: orbit2:libidl
Ignore: orbit2-devel:libidl,libidl-devel,indent
Ignore: qt3:libmng
Ignore: qt-sql:qt_database_plugin
Ignore: gtk2:libpng,libtiff
Ignore: libgnomecanvas-devel:glib-devel
Ignore: libgnomeui:gnome-icon-theme,shared-mime-info
Ignore: scrollkeeper:docbook_4,sgml-skel
Ignore: gnome-desktop:libgnomesu,startup-notification
Ignore: python-devel:python-tk
Ignore: gnome-pilot:gnome-panel
Ignore: gnome-panel:control-center2
Ignore: gnome-menus:kdebase3
Ignore: gnome-main-menu:rug
Ignore: libbonoboui:gnome-desktop
Ignore: postfix:pcre
Ignore: docbook_4:iso_ent,sgml-skel,xmlcharent
Ignore: control-center2:nautilus,evolution-data-server,gnome-menus,gstreamer-plugins,gstreamer,metacity,mozilla-nspr,mozilla,libxklavier,gnome-desktop,startup-notification
Ignore: docbook-xsl-stylesheets:xmlcharent
Ignore: liby2util-devel:libstdc++-devel,openssl-devel
Ignore: yast2:yast2-ncurses,yast2-theme-SuSELinux,perl-Config-Crontab,yast2-xml,SuSEfirewall2
Ignore: yast2-core:netcat,hwinfo,wireless-tools,sysfsutils
Ignore: yast2-core-devel:libxcrypt-devel,hwinfo-devel,blocxx-devel,sysfsutils,libstdc++-devel
Ignore: yast2-packagemanager-devel:rpm-devel,curl-devel,openssl-devel
Ignore: yast2-devtools:perl-XML-Writer,libxslt,pkgconfig
Ignore: yast2-installation:yast2-update,yast2-mouse,yast2-country,yast2-bootloader,yast2-packager,yast2-network,yast2-online-update,yast2-users,release-notes,autoyast2-installation
Ignore: yast2-bootloader:bootloader-theme
Ignore: yast2-packager:yast2-x11
Ignore: yast2-x11:sax2-libsax-perl
Ignore: openslp-devel:openssl-devel
Ignore: java-1_4_2-sun:xorg-x11-libs
Ignore: java-1_4_2-sun-devel:xorg-x11-libs
Ignore: kernel-um:xorg-x11-libs
Ignore: tetex:xorg-x11-libs,expat,fontconfig,freetype2,libjpeg,libpng,ghostscript-x11,xaw3d,gd,dialog,ed
Ignore: yast2-country:yast2-trans-stats
Ignore: susehelp:susehelp_lang,suse_help_viewer
Ignore: mailx:smtp_daemon
Ignore: cron:smtp_daemon
Ignore: hotplug:syslog
Ignore: pcmcia:syslog
Ignore: avalon-logkit:servlet
Ignore: jython:servlet
Ignore: ispell:ispell_dictionary,ispell_english_dictionary
Ignore: aspell:aspel_dictionary,aspell_dictionary
Ignore: smartlink-softmodem:kernel,kernel-nongpl
Ignore: OpenOffice_org-de:myspell-german-dictionary
Ignore: mediawiki:php-session,php-gettext,php-zlib,php-mysql,mod_php_any
Ignore: squirrelmail:mod_php_any,php-session,php-gettext,php-iconv,php-mbstring,php-openssl
Ignore: simias:mono(log4net)
Ignore: zmd:mono(log4net)
Ignore: horde:mod_php_any,php-gettext,php-mcrypt,php-imap,php-pear-log,php-pear,php-session,php
Ignore: xerces-j2:xml-commons-apis,xml-commons-resolver
Ignore: xdg-menu:desktop-data
Ignore: nessus-libraries:nessus-core
Ignore: evolution:yelp
Ignore: mono-tools:mono(gconf-sharp),mono(glade-sharp),mono(gnome-sharp),mono(gtkhtml-sharp),mono(atk-sharp),mono(gdk-sharp),mono(glib-sharp),mono(gtk-sharp),mono(pango-sharp)
Ignore: gecko-sharp2:mono(glib-sharp),mono(gtk-sharp)
Ignore: gnome-libs:libgnomeui
Ignore: nautilus:gnome-themes
Ignore: gnome-panel:gnome-themes
Ignore: gnome-panel:tomboy
Substitute: utempter
%ifnarch s390 s390x ppc ia64
Substitute: java2-devel-packages java-1_4_2-sun-devel
 %ifnarch s390x
Substitute: java2-devel-packages java-1_4_2-ibm-devel
Substitute: java2-devel-packages java-1_4_2-ibm-devel xorg-x11-libs-32bit
Substitute: yast2-devel-packages docbook-xsl-stylesheets doxygen libxslt perl-XML-Writer popt-devel sgml-skel update-desktop-files yast2 yast2-devtools yast2-packagemanager-devel yast2-perl-bindings yast2-testsuite
# SUSE compat mappings
Substitute: gcc-c++ gcc
Substitute: libsigc++2-devel libsigc++-2.0-dev
Substitute: glibc-devel-32bit
Substitute: pkgconfig pkg-config
%ifarch %ix86
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default kernel-smp kernel-bigsmp kernel-debug kernel-um kernel-xen kernel-kdump
%ifarch ia64
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default kernel-debug
%ifarch x86_64
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default kernel-smp kernel-xen kernel-kdump
%ifarch ppc
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default kernel-kdump kernel-ppc64 kernel-iseries64
%ifarch ppc64
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-ppc64 kernel-iseries64
%ifarch s390
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-s390
%ifarch s390x
Substitute: kernel-binary-packages kernel-default
%define debian_version 800
%debian_version 800
Visit webUI to check project configuration Create an OBS project linked to DoD
$ osc -A https://stretch:443 meta prj test -e
<project name= test >
<person userid= Admin role= maintainer />
<repository name= Debian_8.0 >
<path project= Debian:8 repository= main />
Visit webUI to check project configuration Adding a package to the project
$ osc -A https://stretch:443 co test ; cd test
$ mkdir hello ; cd hello ; apt-get source -d hello ; cd - ; 
$ osc add hello 
$ osc ci -m "New import" hello
The package should go to dispatched state then get in blocked state while it downloads build dependencies from DoD link, eventually it should start building. Please check the journal logs to check if something went wrong or gets stuck. Visit webUI to check hello package build state OBS logging to the journal Check in the journal logs everything went fine:
$ sudo journalctl -u obsdispatcher.service -u obsdodup.service -u obsscheduler@x86_64.service -u obsworker.service -u obspublisher.service
Troubleshooting Currently we are facing few issues with web UI: And there are more issues that have not been reported, please do reportbug obs-api .

1 August 2016

Chris Lamb: Free software activities in July 2016

Here is my monthly update covering a large part of what I have been doing in the free software world (previously):

  • Created a proof-of-concept wrapper for pymysql to reduce the diff between Ubuntu and Debian's packaging of python-django. (tree)
  • Improved the NEW queue HTML report to display absolute timestamps when placing the cursor over relative times as well as to tidy the underlying HTML generation.
  • Tidied and pushed for the adoption of a patch against dak to also send mails to the signer of an uploaded package on security-master. (#796784)


This month I have been paid to work 14 hours on Debian Long Term Support (LTS). In that time I did the following:
  • "Frontdesk" duties, triaging CVEs, etc.
  • Improved the bin/ script to ignore packages that have been marked as unsupported.
  • Improved the bin/contact-maintainers script to print a nicer error message if you mistype the package name.
  • Issued the following advisories:
    • DLA 541-1 for libvirt making the password policy consistent across the QEMU and VNC backends with respect to empty passwords.
    • DLA 574-1 for graphicsmagick fixing two denial-of-service vulnerabilities.
    • DLA 548-1 and DLA 550-1 for drupal7 fixing an open HTTP redirect vulnerability and a privilege escalation issue respectfully.
    • DLA 557-1 for dietlibc removing the current directory from the current path.
    • DLA 577-1 for redis preventing the redis-cli tool creating world-readable history files.

  • redis:
    • 3.2.1-2 Avoiding race conditions in upstream test suite.
    • 3.2.1-3 Correcting world_readable ~/.rediscli_history files.
    • 3.2.1-4 Preventing a race condition in the previous upload's patch.
    • 3.2.2-1 New upstream release.
    • 3.2.1-4~bpo8+1 Backport to jessie-backports.
  • strip-nondeterminism:
    • 0.020-1 Improved the PNG handler to not blindly trust chunk sizes, rewriting most of the existing code.
    • 0.021-1 Correcting a regression in the PNG handler where it would leave temporary files in the generated binaries.
    • 0.022-1 Correcting a further regression in the PNG handler with respect to IEND chunk detection.
  • python-redis (2.10.5-1~bpo8+1) Backport to jessie-backports.
  • reprotest (0.2) Sponsored upload.

Patches contributed

I submitted patches to fix faulty initscripts in lm-sensors, rsync, sane-backends & vsftpd.

In addition, I submitted 7 patches to fix typos in debian/rules against cme:, gnugk: incorrect reference to dh_install_init, php-sql-formatter, python-django-crispy-forms, libhook-lexwrap-perl, mknbi & ruby-unf-ext.

I also submitted 6 patches to fix reproducible toolchain issues (ie. ensuring the output is reproducible rather than the package itself) against libextutils-parsexs-perl: Please make the output reproducible, perl, naturaldocs, python-docutils, ruby-ronn & txt2tags.

Lastly, I submitted 65 patches to fix specific reproducibility issues in amanda, boolector, borgbackup, cc1111, cfingerd, check-all-the-things, cobbler, ctop, cvs2svn, eb, eurephia, ezstream, feh, fonts-noto, fspy, ftplib, fvwm, gearmand, gngb, golang-github-miekg-pkcs11, gpick, gretl, hibernate, hmmer, hocr, idjc, ifmail, ironic, irsim, lacheck, libmemcached-libmemcached-perl, libmongoc, libwebsockets, minidlna, mknbi, nbc, neat, nfstrace, nmh, ntopng, pagekite, pavuk, proftpd-dfsg, pxlib, pysal, python-kinterbasdb, python-mkdocs, sa-exim, speech-tools, stressapptest, tcpflow, tcpreen, ui-auto, uisp, uswsusp, vtun, vtwm, why3, wit, wordgrinder, xloadimage, xmlcopyeditor, xorp, xserver-xorg-video-openchrome & yersinia.

RC bugs

I also filed 68 RC bugs for packages that access the internet during build against betamax, curl, django-localflavor, django-polymorphic, dnspython, docker-registry, elasticsearch-curator, elib.intl, elib.intl, elib.intl, fabulous, flask-restful, flask-restful, flask-restful, foolscap, gnucash-docs, golang-github-azure-go-autorest, golang-github-fluent-fluent-logger-golang, golang-github-franela-goreq, golang-github-mesos-mesos-go, golang-github-shopify-sarama, golang-github-unknwon-com, golang-github-xeipuuv-gojsonschema, htsjdk, lemonldap-ng, libanyevent-http-perl, libcommons-codec-java, libfurl-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libgravatar-url-perl, libhttp-async-perl, libhttp-oai-perl, libhttp-proxy-perl, libpoe-component-client-http-perl, libuv, libuv1, licenseutils, licenseutils, licenseutils, musicbrainzngs, node-oauth, node-redis, nodejs, pycurl, pytest, python-aiohttp, python-asyncssh, python-future, python-guacamole, python-latexcodec, python-pysnmp4, python-qtawesome, python-simpy, python-social-auth, python-structlog, python-sunlight, python-webob, python-werkzeug, python-ws4py, testpath, traitlets, urlgrabber, varnish-modules, webtest & zurl.

Finally, I filed 100 FTBFS bugs against abind, backup-manager, boot, bzr-git, cfengine3, chron, cloud-sptheme, cookiecutter, date, django-uwsgi, djangorestframework, docker-swarm, ekg2, evil-el, fasianoptions, fassets, fastinfoset, fest-assert, fimport, ftrading, gdnsd, ghc-testsuite, golang-github-magiconair-properties, golang-github-mattn-go-shellwords, golang-github-mitchellh-go-homedir, gplots, gregmisc, highlight.js, influxdb, jersey1, jflex, jhdf, kimwitu, libapache-htpasswd-perl, libconfig-model-itself-perl, libhtml-tidy-perl, liblinux-prctl-perl, libmoox-options-perl, libmousex-getopt-perl, libparanamer-java, librevenge, libvirt-python, license-reconcile, louie, mako, mate-indicator-applet, maven-compiler-plugin, mgt, mgt, mgt, misc3d, mnormt, nbd, ngetty, node-xmpp, nomad, perforate, pyoperators, pyqi, python-activipy, python-bioblend, python-cement, python-gevent, python-pydot-ng, python-requests-toolbelt, python-ruffus, python-scrapy, r-cran-digest, r-cran-getopt, r-cran-lpsolve, r-cran-rms, r-cran-timedate, resteasy, ruby-berkshelf-api-client, ruby-fog-libvirt, ruby-grape-msgpack, ruby-jquery-rails, ruby-kramdown-rfc2629, ruby-moneta, ruby-parser, ruby-puppet-forge, ruby-rbvmomi, ruby-redis-actionpack, ruby-unindent, ruby-web-console, scalapack-doc, scannotation, snow, sorl-thumbnail, svgwrite, systemd-docker, tiles-request, torcs, utf8proc, vagrant-libvirt, voms-api-java, wcwidth, xdffileio, xmlgraphics-commons & yorick.

FTP Team

As a Debian FTP assistant I ACCEPTed 114 packages: apertium-isl-eng, apertium-mk-bg, apertium-urd-hin, apprecommender, auto-apt-proxy, beast-mcmc, caffe, caffe-contrib, debian-edu, dh-make-perl, django-notification, dpkg-cross, elisp-slime-nav, evil-el, fig2dev, file, flightgear-phi, friendly-recovery, fwupd, gcc-5-cross, gdbm, gnustep-gui, golang-github-cznic-lldb, golang-github-dghubble-sling, golang-github-docker-leadership, golang-github-rogpeppe-fastuuid, golang-github-skarademir-naturalsort, golang-glide, gtk+2.0, gtranscribe, kdepim4, kitchen, lepton, libcgi-github-webhook-perl, libcypher-parser, libimporter-perl, liblist-someutils-perl, liblouis, liblouisutdml, libneo4j-client, libosinfo, libsys-cpuaffinity-perl, libtest2-suite-perl, linux, linux-grsec, lua-basexx, lua-compat53, lua-fifo, lua-http, lua-lpeg-patterns, lua-mmdb, lua-openssl, mash, mysql-5.7, node-quickselect, nsntrace, nvidia-graphics-drivers, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-304xx, nvidia-graphics-drivers-legacy-340xx, openorienteering-mapper, oslo-sphinx, p4est, patator, petsc, php-mailparse, php-yaml, pykdtree, pypass, python-bioblend, python-cotyledon, python-jack-client, python-mido, python-openid-cla, python-os-api-ref, python-pydotplus, python-qtconsole, python-repoze.sphinx.autointerface, python-vispy, python-zenoss, r-cran-bbmle, r-cran-corpcor, r-cran-ellipse, r-cran-minpack.lm, r-cran-rglwidget, r-cran-rngtools, r-cran-scatterd3, r-cran-shinybs, r-cran-tibble, reproject, retext, ring, ruby-github-api, ruby-rails-assets-jquery-ui, ruby-swd, ruby-url-safe-base64, ruby-vmstat, ruby-webfinger, rustc, shadowsocks-libev, slepc, staticsite, steam, straight.plugin, svgwrite, tasksh, u-msgpack-python, ufo2otf, user-mode-linux, utf8proc, vizigrep, volk, wchartype, websockify & wireguard.

Reproducible builds folks: Reproducible builds: week 65 in Stretch cycle

What happened in the Reproducible Builds effort between Sunday July 17 and Saturday July 23 2016: GSoC and Outreachy updates Valerie Young wrote an update about her Outreachy progress on Packages reviewed and fixed, and bugs filed Patches have been submitted by: Package reviews 17 package reviews have been added and 4 have been updated. adding to our knowledge about identified issues. Some issues have been updated: Weekly QA work FTBFS bugs have been reported by: diffoscope development strip-nondeterminism development reprotest development Misc. This week's edition was written by Chris Lamb and reviewed by a bunch of Reproducible builds folks on IRC.

10 July 2016

Bits from Debian: New Debian Developers and Maintainers (May and June 2016)

The following contributors got their Debian Developer accounts in the last two months: The following contributors were added as Debian Maintainers in the last two months: Congratulations!

17 February 2016

Antoine Beaupr : My free software activities, february 2016

Debian Long Term Support (LTS) This is my third month working on Debian LTS, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian. This month was my first month working on the frontdesk duty and did a good bunch of triage. I also performed one upload and reviewed a few security issues.

Frontdesk duties I spent some time trying to get familiar with the frontdesk duty. I still need to document a bit of what I learned, which did involve asking around for parts of the process. The following issues were triaged:
  • roundcube in squeeze was happily not vulnerable to CVE-2015-8794 and CVE-2015-8793, as the code affected was not present. roundcube is also not shipped with jessie but the backport is vulnerable
  • the php-openid vulnerability was actually just a code sample, a bug report comment clarified all of CVE-2016-2049
  • ffmpeg issues were closed, as it is not supported in squeeze
  • libxml2 was marked as needing work (CVE-2016-2073)
  • asterisk was triaged for all distros before i found out it is also unsupported in squeeze (CVEs coming up, AST-2016-001, AST-2016-001, AST-2016-001)
  • libebml and libmatroska were marked as unsupported, although an upload of debian-security-support will be necessary to complete that work (bug #814557 filed)

Uploads and reviews I only ended up doing one upload, of the chrony package (CVE-2016-1567), thanks to the maintainer which provided the patch. I tried my best trying to sort through the issues with tiff (CVE-2015-8668 and CVE-2015-7554), which didn't have obvious fixes available. OpenSUSE seem to have patches, but it is really hard to find them through their issue trackers, which were timing out on me. Hopefully someone else can pick that one up. I also tried and failed to reproduce the cpio issue (CVE-2016-2037), which, at the time, didn't have a patch for a fix. This ended up being solved and Santiago took up the upload. I finally spent some time trying to untangle the mess that is libraw, or more precisely, all the packages that embed dcraw code instead of linking against libraw. Now I really feel even more strongly for the Debian policy section 4.13 which states that Debian packages should not ship with copies of other packages code. It made it really hard to figure out which packages were vulnerable, especially because it was hard to figure out which versions of libraw/dcraw were actually vulnerable to the bug, but also just plain figure out which packages were copying code from libraw. I wish I had found out about secure-testing/data/embedded-code-copies earlier... Still, it was interesting to get familiar with to try to find copies of the vulnerable code, which was not working so well. Kudos to darktable 2.0 for getting rid of their embedded copy of libraw, by the way - it made it completely not vulnerable to the issue, the versions in stretch and sid not having the code at all and older versions having non-vulnerable copies of the code.

Issues with VMs again I still had problems running a squeeze VM - not wanting to use virtualbox because of the overhead, I got lost for a bit trying to use libvirt and KVM. A bunch of issues crept up: using virt-manager would just fail on startup with an error saying interface mtu value is improper, which is a very unhelpful error message (what is a proper value??) - and, for the record, the MTU on eth0 and wlan0 is the fairly standard 1500, while lo is at 65536 bytes, nothing unusual there as far as I know. Then the next problem was actually running a VM - I still somewhat expected to be able to boot off a chroot, something I should definitely forget about it seems like (boot loader missing? not sure). I ended up calling virt-install with the live ISO image I was previously using:
virt-install --virt-type kvm --name squeeze-amd64 --memory 512 --cdrom ~/iso/Debian/cdimage.debian.org_mirror_cdimage_archive_6.0.10_live_amd64_iso_hybrid_debian_live_6.0.10_amd64_gnome_desktop.iso --disk size=4 --os-variant debiansqueeze
At least now I have an installed squeeze VM, something I didn't get to do in Virtualbox (mostly because I didn't want to wait through the install, because it was so slow). Finally, I still have trouble getting a commandline console on the VM: somehow, running virtsh console squeeze-amd64 doesn't give me a login terminal, and worse, it actually freezes the terminal that I can actually get on virt-viewer squeeze-amd64, which definitely sounds like a bug. I documented a bit more of that setup in the Debian wiki KVM page so hopefully this will be useful for others.

Other free software work I continued my work on improving timetracking with ledger in my ledger-timetracking git repository, which now got a place on the new website, which acts as a portal for ledger-like software projects and documentation.

Darktable 2.0 I had the pleasure of trying the new Darktable 2.0 release, which only recently entered Debian. I built a backport for jessie, which works beautifully: much faster thumbnail rendering, no dropping of history when switching views... The new features are great, but I also appreciate how they are being very conservative in their approach. Darktable is great software: I may have trouble approaching the results other are having with lightroom and snapseed, but those are proprietary software that I can't use anyways. I also suspect that I just don't have enough of a clue of what I'm doing to get the results I need in Darktable. Maybe with hand-holding, one day, I will surpass the results I get with the JPEGs from my Canon camera. Until then, I turned off RAW exports in my camera to try and control the explosion of disk use I saw since I got that camera:
41M     2004
363M    2005
937M    2006
2,2G    2007
894M    2008
800M    2009
1,8G    2010
1,4G    2011
9,8G    2012
31G     2013
26G     2014
9,8G    2015
The drop in 2015 is mostly due to me taking less pictures in the last year, for some reason...

Markdown mode hacks I ended up writing some elisp for the markdown mode. It seems I am always writing links like [text](link) which seems more natural at first, but then the formatting looks messier, as paragraph wrapping is all off because of the long URLs. So I always ended up converting those links, which was a painful series of keystrokes. So I made a macro, and while I'm a it, why not rewrite it as a lisp function. Twice. Then I was told by the markdown-mode.el developers that they had already fixed that (in the 2.1 version, not in Debian jessie) and that the C-c C-a r key binding actually recognized existing links and conveniently converted them. I documented my adventures in bug #94, but it seems I wrote this code for nothing else than re-learning Emacs lisp, which was actually quite fun.

More emacs hacking Another thing I always wasted time doing by and is "rename file and buffer". Often, you visit a file but it's named wrong. My most common case is a .txt file that i rename to .mdwn. I would then have to do:
M-x rename-file <ret> newfile
M-x rename-buffer <ret> newfile
C-x C-s <ret> newfile
Really annoying. Turns out that set-visited-file-name actually does most of the job, but doesn't actually rename the file, which is really silly. So I wrote this small function instead:
(defun rename-file-and-buffer (newfname)
  "combine rename-file and rename-buffer
set-visited-file-name does most of the job, but unfortunately
doesn't actually rename the file. rename-file does that, but
doesn't rename the buffer. rename-buffer only renames the buffer,
which is pretty pointless.
only operates on current buffer because set-visited-file-name
also does so and we don't bother doing excursions around.
  (interactive "GRename file and bufer: ")
  (let ((oldfname (buffer-file-name)))
    (set-visited-file-name newfname nil t)
    (rename-file oldfname newfname)
Not bound to any key, really trivial, but doing this without that function is really non-trivial, especially since set-visited-file-name needs special arguments to not mark the file as modified.

IRC packages updates I updated the Sopel IRC bot package to the latest release, 6.3.0. They have finally switched to Requests, but apart from that, no change was necessary. I am glad to finally see SNI support working everywhere in the bot! I also update the Charydbis IRC server package to the latest 3.5.0 stable release. This release is great news, as I was able to remove 5 of the 7 patches I was dragging along the Debian package. The previous Charybdis stable release was over 3 years old, as 3.4.2 was released in (December) 2012! I spend a good chunk of time making the package reproducible. I filed a bug upstream and eventually made a patch to make it possible to hardcode a build timestamp, which seems to have been the only detectable change in the reproducible build infrastructure. Charybdis had been FTBS for a while in sid now, and the upload should fix that as well. Unfortunately, Charybdis still doesn't build with hardening flags - but hopefully a future update of the package should fix that. It is probably because CFLAGS are not passed around properly. There's really interesting stuff going on in the IRC world. Even though IRC is one of the oldest protocols still in operation (1988, even before the Web, but after SMTP and the even more venerable FTP), it is still being actively developed, with a working group drafting multiple extensions to the IRCv3 protocol defined in RFC 1459. For example, IRCv3.3 includes a Strict Transport Security extension, which tries to ensure users use encrypted channels as much as possible, through warnings and STARTTLS support. Charybdis goes even further by proposing a reversal of the +S ("secure channel" flag) where all channels are secure by default, and you need to deliberately mark a channel as insecure with the +U flag if you actually want to allow users on an clear-text connection to join the channel. A transition mechanism is also proposed.

Miscellaneous bug reports En vrac... I fell face-first in this amazing game that is endless-sky. I made a small pull request on the documentation, a bug report and a feature request. I forwarded a bug report, originally filed against monkeysign, to the pyqrencode maintainers. I filed a usability bug against tails-installer, which just entered Debian, mostly usability issues. I discovered the fim image viewer, which re-entered Debian recently. It seemed perfect to adjust my photos-import workflow, so I added it to my script, to be able to review photos prior to importing them into Darktable and git-annex.

20 December 2015

Iain R. Learmonth: A Week of Debian

For the last week I have been stuck in England. For the vast majority of that time, I've had nothing to do except work on Debian and this blog post documents some of the things I worked on. Obviously spending a whole week on Debian, there's going to be some packaging involved. The following packages got new versions in unstable this last week: Packaging updates were one of the simpler tasks tackled this week though. I spent a lot of time this week on Debian Live along with others in the #debian-live IRC channel. Over the last week we achieved a number of things, possibly the most important being that all the generic live support packages (i.e. live-boot, live-config and live-tools) have now been converted into native packages, have their VCS repositories hosted on Alioth and have seen a good number of patches merged from the BTS and from the old patch system. All future patches will be managed via the BTS for Debian Live, as with other Debian projects. We've also put effort into getting documentation online again now that the server has been turned off and we now have the live-build documentation and the live-wrapper documentation hosted on the project's Alioth webspace. The live-wrapper user documentation was mostly written this week so may not be amazing. On the smaller task list for Debian Live, the KGB bots are now present in the channel and reporting on git commits, a number of the more popular URLs from are now being redirected to their new locations (although we've had to recover these URLs from, the list of redirections is certainly not complete) and we've made updates to the wiki pages about how to contribute to the project. Unfortunately, no one has stepped forwards as a new lead for live-build and so this package has been orphaned. This does not necessarily mean that the package will be removed from Debian any time soon, just that it does not currently have a maintainer. If you're interested in taking over maintainence of live-build, see #808048. For testing the core live support packages, new live images for stretch have been built using live-wrapper and are available here. There are known issues with the syslinux configuration and these are not isohybrid images. My other major project this week has been my efforts to form a Debian Metadata team. The Debian Metadata team would produce the frameworks and run the services that make data about Debian available in a number of formats to make the data as accessible as possible and to encourage its use both within Debian and in external projects. Currently this includes two experimental services: and We're don't plan to duplicate any of the work done by UDD, but make the data aggregated in UDD more accessible to users and developers. This means publishing that data in JSON/JSONP, KML, RDF, iCalendar and any other format that makes sense. There may be instances where it makes sense to augment the published data with live data, for example mirror availability should probably be live and not just a recent snapshot. If you're interested in participating in the Debian Metadata team, you can register your interested on bug #808049. This is not a complete summary of all my activities over the last week, but for those interested, it should give you an idea of what I've been up to. Finally, for those of you that have been waiting for my write-up on the airgapped GnuPG master key, I decided in the end that my blog was not the right place for this. You can find the guide in two parts: key generation and key export to the YubiKey. I've tried to keep these guides as generic as possible while still being as useful as possible. While writing these up on the wiki, I've also created pages for OpenPGP and GnuPG and I've almost entirely rewritten the DebianKeyring wiki page. I discovered this awesome guide to OpenPGP concepts which I would recommend to anyone that is new to OpenPGP.

4 October 2015

Johannes Schauer: new sbuild release 0.66.0

I just released sbuild 0.66.0-1 into unstable. It fixes a whopping 30 bugs! Thus, I'd like to use this platform to: And a super big thank you to Roger Leigh who, despite having resigned from Debian, was always available to give extremely helpful hints, tips, opinion and guidance with respect to sbuild development. Thank you! Here is a list of the major changes since the last release:

16 August 2015

John Goerzen: First steps: Debian on an Asus t100, and some negative experience with Gnome

The Asus t100 tablet is this amazing and odd little thing: it sells for under $200, yet has a full-featured Atom 64-bit CPU, 2GB RAM, 32 or 64GB SSD, etc. By default, it ships with Windows 8.1. It has a detachable keyboard, so it can be used as a tablet or a very small 10 laptop. I have never been a fan of Windows on it. It does the trick for web browsing and email, but I d like to ssh into my machines sometimes, and I just can t bring myself to type sensitive passwords into Windows. I decided to try installing Debian on it. After a lot of abortive starts due to the UEFI-only firmware, I got jessie installed. (The installer was fine; it was Debian Live that wouldn t boot.) I got wifi and battery status working via an upgrade to the 4.1 kernel. A little $10 Edimax USB adapter was handy to spare a bunch of copying via USB disks. I have been using XFCE with XMonad for so many years that I am somewhat a stranger to other desktop environments. XMonad isn t really suitable for a tablet, however, so I thought I d try Gnome, especially after a fairly glowing review about its use on a tablet. I am already disappointed after just a few minutes. There is no suspend button on the menu. Some Googling showed that holding Alt while hovering over the power off button will change it to a suspend button. And indeed it does. But uh, what? That is so common and so non-obvious. And pushing the power button does nothing. That s right, nothing. Apparently the way to enable some action when you push the power button is to type in a settings command in a terminal. There s no setting in the settings panel. I initially ditched Gnome some years ago due to its penchant for removing features. I had hoped that this much time later, it would have passed that stage, but I m already disappointed. I was hoping for some really nice integration with the system. But my XFCE setup has a very clear When power button is pressed setting. I have no idea why Gnome doesn t. Also, the touch screen works fine and it registers my touches, but whenever I touch anywhere, the cursor disappears. Weird, eh? There are some things to fix yet on the tablet (sound, brightness adjustment, and making suspend reliable) but others have solved these in Ubuntu so I don t think it ll be too hard. In the meantime, any suggestions regarding Gnome? Is it just going to annoy me? Maybe I should try KDE also. I ve heard good things about Plasma Active, but don t see it in Debian though.

